Thursday, June 26, 2014


“1958. It’s been traveling twenty-two years to get here. And now it's here. And it's either heads or tails. And you have to say.  Call it.”
                                                                                  - Anton Chigurh, No Country for Old Men (2007)

I have always loved movies.  When I was a child, I would often watch movies (and re-watch my favorite movies over, and over, and…) to escape from a bad day.  There is something so magical about people recreating themselves on camera and telling a story that in some ways allows me to recreate myself.  Side note:  although some people do a bad job at it (cough Ben Affleck cough).   

About two months ago, I decided I would start looking up old academy award winners and nominees for best picture and watch whatever ones stood out to me.  I concede that decision may have been one of my best yet.

Although I have enjoyed watching so many good movies, I felt like something was missing.  I realized that I need to discuss these movies in order to get everything from the film that was intended.  I guess that was the social butterfly in me breaking free.  So, I decided to create this blog. 

My goal for this blog is for members to watch maybe one or two movies a week, and then simply post what stood out to them from the film or films.  I will post an announcement for a specific movie, and then 3 days later post my take on the film.  From there, anyone can add their own comments or explain why the film meant something entirely different to them.  Remember, art is subjective.  I value those who watch the same movie as me and have a totally different outlook on said movie.  That is exactly my goal for this ‘movie club’.

If you have a good idea for a movie, feel free to email/message/text/call me and I will create a list of proposed movies.  I want this blog to contain comedies/dramas/action/suspense etc…  But, let’s keep the movies to after the 1930’s.  For the sake of time.

So, here it is.  I hope this is a fun way for some movie conversation.  I look forward to all your comments and inputs.
