Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Verdict
I enjoyed watching this movie. There were several points I would like to express.

1) The pace of the movies is what really struck me. It allowed the characters to develop and have good dialogue. It also allowed the audience to know the characters and not make a rush decisions. Nothing was rushed, everything that happened felt like it could happen to a real lawyer.
2) Paul Newman was a superstar in those days and to take on a role like this was surprising. He was a leading man in his movies. To portray an alcoholic loser was a role I wouldn't think he could pull off. The supporting cast was full of character actors. I've seen them in other movies and they are quite good.
3) I never expected for the camera stay on the polaroids until they develop fully. Those pictures brought home the fact that the woman will never recover. To see the woman slowly coming into view change the movie from just money to finding justice. To me that was the best scene in the movie.
4) When the lawyer was stating the qualifications of the doctor and closed by saying they didn't to worry because he was black, that was insulting. One works all of their life to accomplish a certain level of respect and to be dismissed like that, it was underhanded.
5) Finally all the women's characters were all on sided. They were a nurse that hiding, a nurse that would confront the doctors, a wife who kowtow to the husband, the love interest sent in to spy, and the woman who was the victim. Besides those descriptions very little is known about them.

This was a good start in our discussion. A suggestion towards our next movie, a western. The western has been symbolic of the US migration from the east coast to the west coast.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your thoughts Alonzo. I never thought about the one-sided aspect of the female characters. You're right, there is not much known about the female characters apart from their relationship with Galvin. The film is solely centered around Galvin and the case, which I think is appropriate.

    One thing that I thought of while reading your post is the judge. He was an interesting character. I'm not sure if his actions were as realistic as other characters, but he seemed to me to be very one-sided in his attempts to crash Galvin's case.

    I will consider a western for the next movie. I have a movie ready for Thursday, but I will pick a western for the next movie. Again, thank you for your constructive thoughts.
