Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Verdict (1982)

"You know, so much of the time we're just lost. We say, "Please, God, tell us what is right; tell us what is true." And there is no justice: the rich win, the poor are powerless. We become tired of hearing people lie. And after a time, we become dead..."

                                             -Paul Newman as Frank Galvin

Well my fellow cinema patrons, the first movie is upon us.  I stumbled upon this movie Monday night, and I thought this would be a good start.  This is a courtroom drama that centers around an alcoholic attorney (Newman) who takes a malpractice lawsuit in order to make a few bucks.  I know it sounded a bit cliche to me as well, but the reviews were astounding.  Apparently this is one of Newman's best roles, and that's saying something.

Here are some accolades the film received:
  • Nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Paul Newman)
  • Nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role (James Mason)
  • Nominated for Best Director (Sidney Lumet)
  • Nominated for Best Picture
  • Nominated for Best Screenplay
  • Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
  • IMDB: 7.8

I'll be opening the discussion Sunday with my take from the film, and then everyone can comment and relay what their take from the film is.  Some things to discuss are character flaws, character evolution, plot themes, positives and negative opinions you have from the film, etc...  I want everyone to give their own personal synopsis, but afterwards feel free to comment on others opinions, this is supposed to be a well-reasoned discussion.

Here is a link to stream the movie.  Note:  There will be a few pop ups, but...  Get over it.  It's 2014 A.K.A. the decade of the pop up.  Just click 'Continue to File' until a play button appears on the movie screen.  Click the play button until the movie starts.  If you're not comfortable streaming movies, then you'll have to rent it from iTunes or check and see if it's on a traditional streaming website.


I'm excited about what everyone will have to say...  Happy cinema to you all and I'll see you Sunday!

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