Monday, July 14, 2014

Josh Reviews: 'The Verdict'

The Verdict (1982)

First off, I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I love a story that really puts the viewer into the character's shoes, and even though that process is extremely uncomfortable when those shoes have holes in them, there's a certain kind of underdog sense of confidence and a belief in justice that you leave with which carries on into your life.

Probably real whiskey in this glass!
I had mixed emotions the entire time through this movie. It started off, seemingly, a little slow at first, but I really appreciate the way that Paul Newman put his swagger into this role. Somehow, while his professional life is stagnate and spiraling out of control, his sexual life is as strong as ever! He totally pulled off the desensitized lawyer and then used it to his benefit! Only a good lawyer is capable of such a task, and only a guy like Paul Newman can accurately pull that off on screen! When it shows Jack Warden's character witnessing this train-wreck of a situation unfold, I kept waiting on him to pick up the whiskey bottle and throw it at the wall and I really enjoyed that he didn't. It seems much more like the real world where, in situations like that, people are more attracted to the idea of removing themselves from the situation entirely. Luckily for the client, they had a true moral obligation to see it through to the end which not only reminds people when they should stick together and why. Lots of useful lessons in this film if you hold it up to the light and turn it sideways.

The infamous Paul Newman stare
Among the many lessons this film has to offer, no better lesson is learned than the lesson of being held accountable for your actions. You are probably reading this thinking that I am talking about the court case itself, and the fact that justice was served to the people, that in this case, the people held the bad guys to the fire, but you are wrong! I'm referring to the most gangster move by ANY actor in ANY movie.. that unforgettable bitch-slap that is forever burned into my memory! This might be the only movie that proves that no one, male or female, is above one of nature's most fundamental laws: Don't be a cunt, because if you're a cunt to a guy like Paul Newman, he will storm into any public establishment you may or may not be at, slowly subdue you with an ancient and primal stare, rare back and bitch-slap you in front of EVERYONE! Hilarious. The stage-presence that Paul Newman has in this scene is unreal! As soon as he walked in she knew she was in trouble, she knew what was coming and so did everyone else in the restaurant, she knew she deserved what she was about to get and Paul Newman delivers the most incredible bitch-slap that will echo through the ages! I mean, lets be real here... he went medieval! This movie should be showed to masses of men and women that are just getting out of high school in a desperate attempt to end cuntiness, and show young men the only scenario when slapping your significant other is the most productive course of action for all parties involved. I honestly believe that this might be the most important message in this movie.. don't hit women, ever, unless they do this! Paul Newman, rest in peace. We shall never see his kind again!

Rating: 7.5/10



  1. Thanks for your comments Josh. Your commentary on the bitch-slap was priceless, and I admit that is one of my favorite parts as well. It went beyond just a bitch-slap.. He basically slap/punched her in the face. The look on everyone's faces was hilarious! I was seriously expecting a broken nose, and then her reaction was priceless too. She basically told them to leave him alone. I think she might be the perfect example of a 'devil in disguise' because she is one helluva woman.

  2. Absolutely one helluva women! Even though she fucks everything up between them with her whoreiness, she leaves the whole debacle with her dignity IN-TACT! In today's age, this would never fly. The internet provides a level of connectivity with the average person that creates this sort of online-tough-guy persona, for whatever reason. Women's rights groups would be wearing suicide vests into Warner Brothers Studios!! But Paul Newman would walk out to the front gate where they have all locked arms in protest of this movie and all went home with a slightly red hand-print, in silence!

    I'm not trying to go on and on about this, but DAMN! PAUL NEWMAN IS SUCH A BADASS!
